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Pinion Internal Gear Box And Nicolai Bikes.

September 4, 2011

You would have probably seen articles, photos and news of the new Pinion P1.18 gearbox around the internet lately.

This German company has produced a rather compact internal gearbox that features 18 gears, with a 600% gear range (which can be adjusted to suit rider preferences by swapping the chainring/sprocket), and what better way to showcase the first production Pinion P1.18 gearbox than on a Nicolai, a brand that is renowned for their G-Boxx frames. Such an exclusive product means that the gearbox can only be bolted onto purpose-built frames, that are designed to fit the P1.18. The good news however is that Nicolai will be producing Pinion ‘specific’ frames in 2012!

The word from Nicolai is that the P1.18 is currently only available on the Helius AM. We do reckon that they would very likely have an ‘Extra Love’ option for the gearbox housing, so that customers can have them anodized in their favourite colours to match their rocker links and bearing covers (as seen in the photos).

With such a compact and less expensive gearbox system, we reckon that the Pinion P1.18 could prove to be quite a successful product!

Photos courtesy of

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